By: Raymond Barney,

Hello, Barney’s New Life Health Food customers!
First of all, thank you for the support you have given us through the years. You’ve allowed us to grow to the point where we are now, “Chicago’s Alkaline Water Headquarters”.
Secondly, we have changed from being New Life Health Foods to Barney’s New Life to ensure we continue our family legacy. So, moving forward, we will be Barney’s New Life!
In exchange for your continued support, we want to make a commitment to you. We want our commitment to you reflect the great support you have given us! Upon entering our location, you will ALWAYS be greeted with a friendly “Hello.” Secondly, we will continue keep prices to a minimum while keeping affordability and quality in mind as we shop with vendors. We always have our customers in mind when we buy. Thirdly, being recognized as the ONLY Black Owned health food store in Lawndale is not good enough for us. We want to WIN and maintain your business through our customer service, prices, product mix, knowledge, and location. Lastly, in the rare instance we don’t have what you’re looking for, we promise to make every effort to get the item and have it delivered to the store in a timely fashion, at no extra cost to you. When your item arrives to the store, we will call you to make sure you are aware of its arrival.
This is our promise to you.
Thank you again!!
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