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North America and Europe that is popular as a garden ornamental and hanging plant. Although the scent of the fine, lacey foliage is pleasing to humans, the root of the plant is unmistakably similar to sweaty gym shoes, an attribute that earned the nickname “phu” from the early Greek botanist, Dioscorides. Cats, on the other hand, cannot resist valerian root, and seem to become intoxicated in its presence much like they do when catnip is nearby. Because the compounds in the herb have a much less stimulating effect in people, valerian root is most often taken as tea, liquid extract or in capsule form shortly before retiring for the night.

Valerian Root c/s, 1 lb

  • Valerian is a spreading, flowering plant native to Europe and North America that is sometimes called garden heliotrope.

    The fragrant flowers were once widely used in perfumery. The fresh roots, however, are distinctly unpleasant smelling to humans but wildly attractive to cats. Dried valerian root is traditionally tinctured to extract the plant’s valerenic acid content.

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